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Bronwen Latham

Kymara and I joined virtually to chat about her journey to becoming a musician, being creative during a global pandemic and her latest single Home. After some initial technical difficulties, Whatsapp saved the day and I got to know a little better the person behind the beautiful single Home.

Growing up in the Netherlands Kymara was often surrounded by music however she shared she never really paid much attention to it. The 26 year old reflected that she grew up going to gigs and festivals with her mum but never really viewed herself as a musician. It wasn’t until traveling at 19 and still searching for a vocation that Kymara came to recognise her love and passion for singing.

Despite rejections from Amsterdam Conservatorium's Kymara persevered with her singing, Sharing that through these rejections she was constantly learning and growing. This joined with studying a diploma carved her into the artist she is today.

What I found particularly inspiring when chatting to Kymara was her determination and respect for learning and gaining wider knowledge in her field. Although the rejections were hard, Kymara said she recognised that she knew she needed to find her place still in music and learn more.

After her diploma Kymara moved from the Netherlands to Brighton to attend Bimm University to study Vocals. This move became one of the inspirations for Kymaras latest single ‘Home’.

One of the many things I loved about chatting to Kymara was her honesty, she openly spoke about her difficulties with self confidence and motivation to continue in her chosen career. Sharing she doesn’t play an instrument (aside from her voice) was particularly interesting to me, as there can occasionally be a sense of isolation within the music community if you can’t read or play music.

Kymara explained that she never let this deter her and actually would voice her insecurities and concerns in band practice; in turn most of the time the other musicians shared their own worries.

“I Voice My Insecurities”

This honesty and openness transcends into Kymaras song writing. When asking about her journey to writing a song Kymara explained she journals for months, noting down her feelings and thoughts, this then culminates into a month of song writing. When I asked about how she feels about writing so personally Kymara said “there isn’t a lot I feel embarrassed about we all go through the same stuff”. One of the many reasons why her songs are so touching and relatable.

“We All Go Through The Same Stuff”

Interested by her not playing an instrument, a thing which I know I myself have struggles with. I was intrigued how Kymara goes from noting her feelings to creating unique melodies. She explained that she likes her bandmates contributing and although she headlines the band it's very much a collective of everyone contributing when it comes to the music. Before a rehearsal she sends them her lyrics and asks them to send her any music they are working on or chords which the lyrics may have inspired.

Throughout the lockdowns Kymara has been monetising on social media to promote and share her art. Although not always easy being creative in a global pandemic, Kymara shared she pushes through her anxieties, working around not having gigs she instead shares her music through social media. However good news is Kymara and her band plan to perform at the Komedia when restrictions are lifted, a gig that they had planned a year ago!

Now Kymara has just come out with her latest single Home, a gorgeous neo soul ethereal track featuring Bobbie Johnson. This smooth light jazz track shows further Kymaras range, depth and emotion to the piece of music.

Home was one of the first songs Kymara wrote two years ago. A reflective piece about her travels in her twenties and how she creates the feeling of Home wherever she is, through her room and within herself.

“Creating That Feeling of Home Wherever You Are in The World”

When Kymara started songwriting her Mum gave Kymara her Dad's notebook with some of his lyrics in as he liked to song write also, Kymaras father sadly passed away 15 years ago. Kymara continues his songwriting through sharing some of his lyrics through the chorus of Home.

Throughout my chat with Kymara I noticed a theme; Kymaras dedication and perseverance to her artform and passion for music. Managing to combat any difficulties which arise, working with what she has and creating a space where other people and musicians can share their own insecurities and concerns. Kymaras other songs include You and Unconscious Happiness. You can access all of Kymaras tracks on all major streaming services.

Kymara is definitely one to watch in 2021!


Kymaras latest single HOME

Written by Bronwen Latham

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